A Bittersweet Moment
Since I have been posting sporadically lately, I was very remiss in linking to this - a beautiful sentiment about a wonderful man and a beautiful, resilient woman.
I hope every one of you can say something like this one day.
A Former Sgt in the US Marines, US Army and Australian Federal Police - With an Attitude Problem - Looking at the Shits & Giggles of life from a Quasi-Conservative Point of View * * * WARNING! STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS! * * *
Since I have been posting sporadically lately, I was very remiss in linking to this - a beautiful sentiment about a wonderful man and a beautiful, resilient woman.
I'm not sure, but it seems to me that bussing these people over 300 miles to go from the Superdome to the Astrodome isn't really gaining much - especially since the Astrodome has been pretty much out of commission for some time. But there would be lots of other, smaller venues like Reliant Stadium and others that could take people in more manageable numbers.
Over this last weekend, some guy from Iran of all places, tried to set a Worlds Record for a motorcycle jump. He planned on jumping 22 busses parked side-by-side. Unfortunately, he met, merged and became one with bus number 13. They have already planted most of what they could find of him.
To Mostly Cajun, Cityslicker's inlaws, and everyone else on the Gulf Coast - I hope you've gotten out of there by now, but know that you're in our prayers.
I haven't been writing much lately because there hasn't been a whole lot going on that I felt like blogging about. That has changed.
If you haven't read it yet, today's column by Bob Herbert (a New York Times writer) is worth looking up. He decided that today was a good day to shred the U. S. Military Recruiters.
Be Still, My Beating Heart!
A couple of things this morning jumped out at me, causing only minor damage:
After another day playing with the VA, it's time for some news. The good news is that the VA Hospital in Durham, NC, did an EEG and have determined that I do, in fact, have a brain. The bad news was that it belings to "Abbie - someone".
Since Greensboro is just a frog leap from here (or $40.00 worth of gas), I guess I should write on the world of shit Judge Joseph Turner has brought down upon hisself.
Have you noticed how those wonderful, caring individuals down outside the Crawford Ranch have made the classic demand again?
And with those words (or something like that) Dennis Rader gets put away for the rest of his vile unnatural life. If there was ever a prime candidate for the "Dahmer Syndrome", this is it. Let him loose in the general prison population. Please?
Is anyone else out there tired of hearing the (mostly) college-aged protestors in Gaza being referred to as "settlers"? They do not live in these villages - their purpose is to try and provoke violence. In an incredible show of restraint by the Israeli police and soldiers, so far they have failed.
So - it has started. One of the Jewish "infiltrators" at the sites to be evacuated grabbed a gun and shot at Palestinians, killing two and injuring a further four. UPDATE: Since the original report, the death toll is now four, and the attack was at one of the West Bank settlements waiting to be emptied.
I'm hoping that this will be my last post about Cindy Sheehan.
Over the last coupla days, the Good Sailor (what an oxymoron!) has put up some thoughts on the 9/11 Committee and Able Danger. Overall, some pretty good stuff (even if it won't let me post any comments - must not like Marines), but there's one change I would make to it.
Yesterday was a very large mistake on my part. I went to the local Six Flags/Paramount theme park with Attitude With Legs and her two kids - fantastic kids both. All the time we were there, they made no "I Want" type of talk; incredible for an 8 year old and a 4 year old!! It rained around 4:00pm and they closed all the rides, so we went home. The last 3 hours or so I was doing the "USMC push" to keep going for the sake of the kids, and started sitting as often as possible. Said Attitude drove home, but at that I'd passed out in the car around 8 times.
I've been listening to some of the talking heads at FoxNews getting their nuts in a knot over Sir Mick and da boys. So the Stones have a new song that bashes / slanders / pokes fun at Bush / the Administration / whatever. There's even been comparisons to the Dixie Chicks.
Able Danger - the first word refers to what Jamie Gorelick is not; the second to our future thanks to her desire to spend her time trying to prevent the people from finding out just what the 9-11 Commission's board should have been looking into. And she did it damn well, too! The only one to perform a better service towards keeping the American people (and the Commission) ignorant was Sandy Berger.
My favorite Squid has a new post up about that theft of almost one million dollars by Air America from a New York inner-city Boys & Girls Club. This one has Doc Farmer's take on the subject and it's worth reading - as is just about all of the Doc's stuff.
Yesterday was interesting - a 100 mile round trip to the nearest VA Hospital to get wired up with something called a Halter Monitor - and no, it doesn't look good with the skirt and 3 inch heels.
This garbage going on in New York about the teacher in the Catholic school who got the kids booze and then "RAPED" them - I got a problem with that. (I know - what a f'kin surprise!)
These are people in dire need of an attitude adjustment - preferably with an 8' 2x4 shoved up their ass until it disappears. These asswads even have the good Sailor talking like a sailor - almost like a Marine.
Once again, the Winston Salem Urinal has shone as a beacon of light, shining fear, hate and ignorance into every life it touches. Today's effort is an editorial entitled "An Unwelcome Wave" and it's a beauty.
Once again today, the Short-Attention-Span Theatre, also known as the minstream media, are trying to blame the current spate of bombings in London and Egypt on our being in Iraq.
I haven't been around the old sites as much as I should lately, so if you've seen this elsewhere, humor me.
Oops - maybe I shouldn't have said that, since this is about giving a big thank you to the ACLU.
The latest thing on the market - We missed the Fourth of July, but made the release in plenty of time for Labor Day!
We're not allowed to use racial profiling in order to protect ourselves, our families and our nation. OK - fine. That leads to the question, "When did Arab become a race?"
So King Fahd of Saudi Arabia finally went off to Allah. No real surprise, except for how long he managed to linger on. The new king is Abdulla Oblongatta, who's been running the country for years anyway, so I don't expect any changes there - the terrorists will still get their money and weapons, along with their training sites at the madrasses. A couple of today's car bombs in Iraq will be dedicated to the late king.
John Bolton appointed to the UN;
The London bombings;
Natalee Holloway;
The guy missing from the cruise ship;
John Roberts;
The Space Shuttle;
Nukes in Iran & North Korea;
Valerie Plame;
and on, and on.