DWI - Driving While Illegal
A tip of the starched utility cover to Indigo Insights, who forwarded this to me.
As you can see by this article from the Charlotte "Creative Loafing", the practice of issuing drivers licenses to Illegal Aliens is still alive and well.
And while that story touches on one aspect of the State and the DMV handing these licenses out to all and sundry, the biggest problem that I see is that every one of them will be registered to vote!
As I have mentioned before, my spouse, the Little Red Roo, is a LEGAL Alien. In two different states when she has gone for a drivers license, she showed her "Green Card" as identification, and in both cases she was asked if she wanted to register to vote! Being the good little ethical person that she is, she tried to point out the flaw in their argument, only to be met with uncomprehending stares.
Of all the Illegals (and anyone who says "Undocumented" can go fuck themselves), just who do you think they're going to vote for?