Obnoxious Droppings

A Former Sgt in the US Marines, US Army and Australian Federal Police - With an Attitude Problem - Looking at the Shits & Giggles of life from a Quasi-Conservative Point of View * * * WARNING! STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS! * * *

29 October, 2004

Things That Go Boom In The Night

My mind's been out wandering again, and you should see what it dragged home. Here's just some random thoughts about that "really explosive" issue:

Kerry can’t back off now. No matter what comes out in the next 4 days, he's too committed to this issue. He lives or dies with it.

3 tons? 400 tons? Somewhere in between? It's pretty obvious that no one, including the IAEA, knows hows much of the "sexy" stuff was at Al KaKa. And why does that matter, when there were millions of tons of explosives in Iraq of various kinds, with over 400,000 tons already destroyed?

How was this Bush’s fault? Not enough troops over there? For a start, even if we had the entire population of the US between 18 to 30 in the military, we still wouldn’t have enough to secure all the explosives in Iraq. Besides which, these attacks are not against Bush but against Gen. Tommy Franks and the troops - even though they did everything expected of them at the time.

IAEA and UN inspectors said that nothing of interest was there or anywhere else in the country. All of a sudden all this dual use stuff shows up? Someone's pounding sand up the American people's ass.

Besides which, the explosives at that site were not secured - the ventilation slats were big enough to cart off everything without touching the seals. And at that, who knows how many of these "seals" the IAEA conveniently left behind so the Iraqis cound get in and re-seal?.

Satellite photos of Russian transport planes in Baghdad and of trucks and flat beds at Al KaKa shown on TV this morning show that we were watching these sites as well as the airports.

Use these next 4 days to tell everyone you know that this is a non-issue created to try to discredit Bush by IAEA(UN), CBS, NY Times as the Dem’s typical “October surprise”. This pattern of last-minute "shock" releases have been a Democratic party tactic for at least the last dozen years.

Oh, and a last-minute thought - have you noticed that everyone but CBS has been relaying the new information about this story? Hmmm.

We now resume regular programming.


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