S&G - Two Quickies
First, "news" outlets like the New York Times and Newsweek, among many others, have already decided the election. They are spending their time and ink speculating on who Obama is going to appoint to what cabinet positions. Do you think there's any mention of McCain? Even in passing?
If you have ever believed that we have an impartial press, I recommend long-term professional care.
Also - and this is the scary one - Obama's campaign people are accepting donations made through prepaid credit cards. These cards can be bought at drug stores, grocery stores and just about anywhere else. There is no way to track back where these donations came from - the money can be from foreign nationals, government contractors, unions, donors who have exceeded their limits or other illegal sources.
By accepting this anonymous cash (which is a no-no in the first place), the Federal Election Commission could rip Obama a new asshole.
But I wouldn't hold my breath.