U.S. - SSR?
Is the United States prepared to become a Socialist nation? Judging by the number of people saying they plan to vote for Barack Obama, it would appear that way.
Why do I claim that?
Yesterday, I saw Obama on TV and heard that he "Plans to spread the wealth." Who is he - Robin F'kin Hood? Take from the rich and give to the lazy.
I also saw a video clip where Obama said that between winning the election and the inauguration, he will call in community organizations from across the country to "Help set the agenda" of his Presidency.
And in today's paper, during a speech yesterday in Toledo, Ohio, Obama said he will give a two year tax break for businesses that create jobs. Considering the crushing taxes he's going to level on corporations and small businesses, I don't think he'll have to worry about that tax break.
Considering Obama's lies about not working with the Chicago Democratic machine, his 20 years of Rev Wright, his long-term association with Bill Ayers (which he denies, of course), the lockdown or "disappearance" of his past work and university documents, and his wife's Senior Thesis at Princeton (which puts the Klan to shame when it comes to a bigoted rant), and his rating as the most "Liberal" Senator, do you really believe we can afford him?
Be prepared to grab your ankles, folks - BOHICA.
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