Obnoxious Droppings

A Former Sgt in the US Marines, US Army and Australian Federal Police - With an Attitude Problem - Looking at the Shits & Giggles of life from a Quasi-Conservative Point of View * * * WARNING! STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS! * * *

08 October, 2004

Because I promised

Here's the basic data on the two Donks who voted to implement conscription:

- - - John P. "Jack" Murtha, 12th District of Pennsylvania
- - - http://www.house.gov/murtha/

- - - Pete Stark, 13th District of California
- - - http://www.petestark.com/index.html

- - - - - - Stark was also one of the original co-sponsors of the draft bill. See:
- - - - - - http://www.petestark.com/univdraft.html

It would appear, from the information I've been able to mine from the internet (Gee - Thanks, AlGore!) that neither one of these turds have any clue about just what the social, racial and economic make-up of out current volunteer military really is.

Murtha is a Former Marine, who claims to be a Vietnam Veteran. Even though he remained in the Reserves until 1990, his active duty time in the mid to late 60's - especially in 'Nam, could explain his love for conscription.

Stark claims to be a veteran of the Air Force, but I couldn't find anything as to when or where he served.

Obviously, neither of these Donks have got a clue as to what the current situation is within the United States Military. The physical and mental requirements that have to be passed in order to enter any branch of service, along with the requirement for at least a High School Diploma (or equivalent) would knock out quite a few "draftees" for a start.

Add to that the amount of time required to get the troops through Basic Training, Basic Infantry Training and the training course for whatever their MOS or occupational speciality will be, and you're already looking at at least one year before they're even ready to be posted to a duty station.

Add in to that the fact that, even during Viet Nam, only about 13% of all active duty troops ever saw a combat environment, and you have the makings of a real clusterfuck.

Unless we find ourselves in a "World War II" type of environment, there is absolutely no need to start up a draft.

Even Kerry's claim that he will train up more U.S. Green Berets or Rangers is a very unfunny joke. In order to do this, as everyone who has served or is now serving knows, you have got to lower requirements. Not only those requirements needed to enter such training, but to complete the course.

Do you, whoever the fuck you are, really think this is what our Nation needs?

I don't fuckin' think so either.

P.S. - I just had a thought (I know - disgusting) so I had to check something. Sure enough, Jack Murtha has three children and three grandchildren.

That would make him a genuine "FathaMurtha", wouldn't it?

I'm sorry. I will now go flagellate myself (I can't get anytone else to do it).


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