Obnoxious Droppings

A Former Sgt in the US Marines, US Army and Australian Federal Police - With an Attitude Problem - Looking at the Shits & Giggles of life from a Quasi-Conservative Point of View * * * WARNING! STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS! * * *

31 March, 2005

It's So Easy ... ...

Ya know, most of the time Boy Wonder is pretty sharp (genes will tell - his mothers) but there's one time recently when he worried me.

While watching some mindless thing on TV, the GEICO ad came on - you know the one - about Cavemen? Well, Boy Wonder thought the ad was terrible. He couldn't understand what they were trying to say.

Personally, I think the ad is brilliant. I told him to think of any ethnic joke he could. Being from the Chicago area, Polish jokes were the favorites. Then I told him to envision saying that joke on TV today.

The penny dropped. He groaned. He cried. He hurled. He almost laughed.

It doesn't matter what you say or who your audience is these days. Someone, somewhere is going to be mortally wounded by your comments and will quite happily try to sue the shit out of you.

That's why I always try to get the biggest bang for my buck. If I'm going to insult anyone, it's gonna be a doozy!!


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