Obnoxious Droppings

A Former Sgt in the US Marines, US Army and Australian Federal Police - With an Attitude Problem - Looking at the Shits & Giggles of life from a Quasi-Conservative Point of View * * * WARNING! STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS! * * *

05 October, 2004

Another One For The "No Duh" Column

According to this story from FoxNews, focusing on terrorism has left the FBI unable to follow through on many of its other responsibilities - white collar crime, organized crime, etc.

Well, that's a real no shitter, ain't it, folks?

This fits into the same heading as those 120 hours or so of intercepted conversations from probable terrorists that have yet to be translated - I think that would be No Such Agency.

And why, pray tell, would this be happening? I'm glad you asked.

IMHO, the growth spurt that our President gave the government, with Homeland Security, etc., seems to have been a wonderful thing for the administrators but not for those at the sharp end. Now, remember, this is just my opinion and I have absolutely nothing to back it up. But - when the current administration came into power counterterrorism was pretty much nonexistent in this country. Once the Vigaro hit the Mixmaster, it was realized just how bad off we really were thanks to 8 years of Billary & Co. And unlike other countries, we can't just pluck the ripest fruit from our schools, businesses and military and put them where they are most needed.

First, you need a budget to pay for these people. Then you have to find them - not the easiest task in the world. Finally you have to convince them that working for the U.S. Government at possibly half they would make elsewhere (or less) is a really good idea.

Of course, once you get these people, they will be working for the government, right? That means government just grew again, causing Liberals to gloat and Conservatives to consider slashing their wrists.

Now, as I said earlier, I have a bad feeling that setting up the Homeland Security resulted in more administrative jobs than necessary. Things like this pretty much always have in the past.

If someone can show me that I'm wrong on this, I will happily print this out on rice paper and have it with a nice hot Lamb Vindaloo.


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