Obnoxious Droppings

A Former Sgt in the US Marines, US Army and Australian Federal Police - With an Attitude Problem - Looking at the Shits & Giggles of life from a Quasi-Conservative Point of View * * * WARNING! STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS! * * *

11 April, 2005

Another Raven "Gang Colors" Update

It had to happen, didn't it?

Some asshat at Runningscared.org, who says he's a "former republican" (who f'kin cares?) has turned this personal rights issue into a Red State/Blue State bullshit issue. After shitting on Michelle Malkin, the following sample of the blog is registered:

"It is at once an insightful look at the blindness of right wing pundits and a depiction which had me alternating between holding my sides in laughter and gagging. (Warning for the easily nauseated... Ann "the Toxic Twig" Coulter is mentioned. Your dinner may be spoiled.)"

It just so happened that I was indeed eating my dinner when I read this. Not the wisest move on my part. Much of the argument revolves around red and blue being the gang colors of the Crips and Bloods - of course he seems to miss completely the white beads in between, and having both the red and blue colors on the same piece of jewelry is pretty much ignored.

What really sets him off, though, is the fact that Raven's mom has filed a lawsuit against the school. He views it as being just out for the money and allowing all gang-related clothing, etc, back into the schools. He claims it was used as a "first option" instead of what it really is - the only way she was able to get the school's attention.

It figures this asshat can only see the red and blue beads - that's the way he seems to view everything in this nation - red and blue.

And that's a damn shame.

(Many thanks to Indigo Insights for the lead to this blog)


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