Obnoxious Droppings

A Former Sgt in the US Marines, US Army and Australian Federal Police - With an Attitude Problem - Looking at the Shits & Giggles of life from a Quasi-Conservative Point of View * * * WARNING! STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS! * * *

02 October, 2004

What Is It Going To Take?

Obviously, CBS Evening (gag) News is still sticking with its "Bush is gonna start Draft Riots" story, as evidenced by this still being on their web site as of 7:00am today.

The story's entire reason for being - an anonymous email spammed out on the internet - has been thoroughly discredited. As has been the interviewee for this piece, Ms Beverly Cocco. In fact, CBS hasn't even taken the time to state just who it was that put those bills before the House and Senate. Rep. Rangel and Sen Hollings are both noted anti-military pea-brains from the moonbat wing of the Democratic Party.

So why is the CBS news still sticking to their guns on this?

According to Brit Hume, on Fox News, and I quote,

"Well, CBS correspondent Richard Schlesinger, who reported the piece, insists that rumors of a draft, "[have] gotten people all riled up" and "Whether or not there's any reality to [them] is almost besides the point." Schlesinger's producer goes even further, telling the blog INDC Journal, "the truth of the [mass] e-mails were absolutely irrelevant."

Truly a dispassionate look at reporting from the Tinkerbelle Network. CBS News? Eye don't fuckin' think so!

Additionally, now the NBC Nightly News has weighed in this piece of excretment.

While not dismissing the story out of hand as they should, they actually try to give something resembling a balanced report - to a fuckin' rumor!

These guys kill me!


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