Obnoxious Droppings

A Former Sgt in the US Marines, US Army and Australian Federal Police - With an Attitude Problem - Looking at the Shits & Giggles of life from a Quasi-Conservative Point of View * * * WARNING! STRONG LANGUAGE FOLLOWS! * * *

20 March, 2005

Two Years On

Yesterday marked two years since the start of Shock & Awe.

Isn't it bloody typical that CNN runs this story, MSNBC runs this, and, of course, the BBC goes with this.

FoxNews basically are just reporting the same as the BBC but without the screeching.

Maybe I'm just not looking deeply enough, or not looking in the right places. I can't see any comparisons of Iraq (or Afghanistan, for that matter) to Japan, Italy or Germany two years after WWII ended.

Just the same barking moonbats crying that Iraq has freedom where they should still be under Saddam Hussein's heel.

Saddam good, Bush bad. Hell, as we saw earlier, even terrorists good, US military bad - just ask Communist newspaper writers of fiction.


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