To Our Armed Forces in the Middle East and Western Asia
Many of us back home here have been hearing about how slanted and downright untrue “news” reports, along with the words and deeds of some in the entertainment industry, are having their desired effect on morale – especially among some of the younger troops.
Please let me assure you – the American people are paying attention to what you are doing over there and give you their total support.
If you’ve noticed, those clowns in the “entertainment” industry who have tried to denigrate both you and the critical service you are performing can basically be put into two categories: those whose ultra-left wing political views would love nothing better than to see our great Nation fall into the hands of Communism, or those whose careers are so deep in the toilet that they think any publicity will be good for them.
The American people are aware of that and aren’t fooled by their ravings. If you’ve noticed, in just about every instance where some actor or musician has made statements slamming your or your chain of command it has backfired on them – they got their publicity all right, but at the cost of ticket sales, product endorsements, record sales and air time for their music. Don’t listen to them. Don’t believe a single thing that comes out of their mouths.
As for our “news” industry, well, just about every story (and I use that word purposely) that can be given a political slant will always promote the left wing’s agenda. Ironically, many “newsies” honestly don’t believe this to be true; why, simple everyone they know feels the same as they do. Obviously they don’t get out very much.
One special case I’ve been saving is Michael Moore. He takes delight in calling all of you children; that the only reason you are in the military in the first place is because you are ignorant, illiterate and the targets of those bad, racist republicans. From his earliest days of film and books he has taken events and quotes and changed their time-line; taken those things that specifically refer to one thing and show them as relating to something completely different.
Michael Moore is the inventor of the “ambush interview” where he will appear out of nowhere, shove a microphone is someone’s face and ask some outrageous and ridiculous question; then yell and scream at the person, berating them because they don’t give the answer he wants.
Not one single person in my family would bother to cross the street to piss on any of these people if they were on fire. The American people not only support you in what you do but are proud that you represent us to the rest of the world.
Give ‘em Hell, Come Home Safe.
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